It’s okay to be different!

Posted on January 29, 2021 at 2:00 PM

It’s okay to be different!

In this society, we have all been taught that being the same is the best way to be. Society is causing a lack of individuality, and people are afraid of expressing themselves. People want to blend into the community so that they won't get questioned. Every generation is becoming more and more similar, and it is scary. If everyone agrees, who will be the one to speak out?

Growing up around people who were so similar was really hard. It was always a competition to see who fit in. Being the girl who spoke another language and brings weird food to lunch was challenging because no one understood that's not everyone had to be the same. Nobody accepted the fact that people had different clothing preferences, or not everybody liked pizza.

As I got older, I realized it is important to embrace each other's differences and appreciate the fact that not everybody is the same. Yes, it is fun to be alike in some ways but it is so important to be yourself and not pretend like you are just like everybody else. Be true to yourself, that’s the most important advice I have. People should accept you for who you are, and not who they want you to be. We need to teach the youth that the status quo can be broken and that it is okay to be yourself. We need to teach them that it is okay to be different.

It's okay to hate the music on the radio. Who wants to hear the same 5 songs played over and over again anyway?

It is okay to laugh at your own jokes — even when nobody else finds them funny. When you start to laugh everyone else will start to.

It is okay to dress differently — who wants to be classified as a "typical white girl" by wearing their high waisted shorts, crop top and toms? There are a lot of other outfits out there.

It is okay to be weird. Being "normal" is too boring. What is normal anyway?

It's okay to have different interests than others. Not everyone is going to like the same kind of things.